Wednesday, March 16, 2011

St. Patty's Day Birthday

Well, it's been about a month so I guess that means it's time for another post! That seems to be my MO doesn't it? I mean to post more often, but life with three kids and a husband who works out of state keeps me busy doing lots of other things! That's why I LOVE it when someone asks me to create a special card for them..... it's an excuse to put things on hold and stamp! My friend Cathy has a daughter in my son's class and since her birthday is near St. Patrick's day she asked me to come up with a themed birthday card for her. Let me know what you think:

This first one is from a retired SU set called "Pinch Proof." It was a bit tricky because I had to color on the stamp itself as I wanted the leprechaun to have a red beard and a green suit. I don't know where the shamrock paper is from... I've probably had it for years. My kids are involved in Irish dancing and so whenever I see Irish themed scrapbook paper I buy it!

This next one is made using the new SU cupcake punch.... I LOVE this punch and it makes cards come together super quick!

This last one is my favorite. But you probably guessed that when you saw it was from the SU "Greeting Card Kids" stamp set, huh?! (remember how many Christmas cards I made with this set!) I cut a slit by her hand, made a little four leaf clover and slid it under the slit to hide heart... pretty clever don't you think?

Hopefully it won't be another month before I post again, but I make no promises. Especially this week when my kids have several Irish dance performances. If I can remember I'll try to post a picture of them... they look fabulous all decked out in their costumes!

Until next time.....

Happy Stamping!

1 comment:

  1. All are very lovely Theresa! I'm sure your friend will love them.


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