Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Not in the trash!

I love small cute little things. I think that's why I have so much fun making mini cards. Not only are they fun to make, but it is a great way to use up smaller bits of paper! My daughter and her friend got together to decorate their binders before school starts and when they were done they just threw the leftover paper in the trash... IN THE TRASH!!! Can you believe it? Certainly I could make good use of those bits and pieces. Certainly those scraps were large enough to punch out some shapes. Certainly they would not go to into the trash! Here is what I came up with:

A set of six 3"x3" mini birthday cards! The colors are Dusty Durango, Certainly Celery and Marigold Morning. The sentiments are from "A Little Birthday Cheer" from Stampin Up! The patterned paper is from DCWV.

I've almost got the Blog Candy ready for my first giveaway.... are you subscribed to this blog? If you are then you'll be the first to know when I post the giveaway.... it's happening this week!

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1 comment:

  1. Hey Theresa! I love your blog! I am subscribed - did you see me under phototherapist@verizon.net? Your blog is really cute and you are a good writer/blogger!


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